Hello there, thanks for dropping by my blog: pboong.
Over here, I will share some of my thought with you, it can be either right or wrong. Basically, kept that in mind, just purely sharing.
Let me introduce myself:
I am a full time photographer, who also interested in videography and audio.
I used to work as an audio producer for inflight entertainment; basically it is all about audio editing, music selection, and voice over recording. With this skill, I am able to work as a freelancer at World Sport Group as an Audio Editor. Just that, it involve with motion pictures.
I got into video when I was working in a production company which specialise on video encoding; which is later send for DVD pressing.
With these skill I had obtained based from my previous working experience, I am able to produce a good job for client, who require audio, video or photography.
I have videos uploaded to Youtube recently, and please subscribe them.
My personal website: pboong and Facebook Fan Page
Should you have inquiries for my service, please drop me an email: boon [at] pboong [dot] com
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