Do you have the thought that property photography is easy?
The answer is easy: no.
You may be wondering why would I said that, isn't it just putting your camera on tripod, doing a long shutter speed? And... that's it!
Coordinating and communication is very important.
Before heading down for a photo shoot, it is always advisable for the photographer to go down on site to check out the entire area: whether if there's still touch up, defects or even the painting too. (Though you may do it via photoshop, it is always great to use lesser time during DI stage)
To do an outdoor shoot with the building, you can do it during afternoon and evening time. So that you are able to compare before deciding which image to give to your client.
As an ex project engineer before, I know that coordination is very important. Informing beforehand is a must to let both the client and the on site manager about your whereabouts on site. This is for safety purposes.
If there are workers moving within your frame, get the manager to inform them. It will better for them to go for a break.
Always rem to tell the workers to move their items away as well. This is give you less pain during the DI stage.
If the client gave you the instructions already, do walk around the specific area they want to get the good view/ composition. Call up to your client if there are some major issue not done yet as it may greatly affect your photo shoot day.
If there is a need to, try to communicate with the on site/ project manager on which date you will be doing the shoot. At least this will minimize misleading instruction. End of the day, you just have to inform your client on the date you will be there.
So as you see, this is just the first part before the photo shoot.
Next come to what you should bring.
Personally, I will bring 2-3 type of lenses, zoom, wide and fish eye. End of the day, I only use my prime wide angle lenses to do the shoot. It is wide enough to capture everything. If you have the tilt/ shift wide angle lenses, that will be even better! You will spend lesser time to the correct perspective view.
Do more homework and research via website. Be it you are doing for landed, condo, factory or any type of building, it is good to keep yourself updated for building photo shoot,
I am very happy to complete one major property photography recently, so I decided to share the thoughts with you.
If I am able to get hold of the advertising images, I will definitely post here to share as well.
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