Saturday, 20 April 2013

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Adobe Creative Cloud user

I am truly happy to be one of the subscriber to Adobe Creative Cloud now.

This got to be one of my happiest moment in my life, having said that the cloud conclude Master Collections. Isn't that the greatest thing ever?

As many know about me, a photographer, audio person and the video editor. This cloud is the one for me.

Creative Suite may make you pay more

In the past for all the CS version, it is either you get the website or the production set, if you need all of them, well, the best bet is Master Collection. But wait... there might be some of the programs that you may not know how to use at all!

Not to forget, the high price. And the upgrades from version to version, it may cost up to 4K if you are using either one of the package.

For Adobe Cloud, you are talking about the different thing!

All you need is to subscribe annually, the price now till end of April 2013 is USD600. I am not sure about the final cost after the promotion ends. But I hearsay it is going to be a thousand plus! Let's hope that there's discount for the current cloud users.

One license for different user at one time

You are allow to let other user to use the software on different computer too! Yes, same license without adding any seats on it. All you need to do is to revoke the current user online, then invite the other user via email.

If you need to add more people in, you may also add seats; your retailer will contact you later on.

For me, since I am working alone, I will have no use for this stage. I was told that I can also install the program on my Mac too! But, you are NOT allow to use the program or online simultaneously. Once Adobe found out, the software system will be locked  and have a good day answering question.

I am very happy to see Lightroom once again after my trial on CaptureOne Pro end.


I attended the seminar by Adobe last month at Ritz Carlton.

According to the Adobe team, they claimed that they can only release the new version once there is a significant changes. For cloud now, they can constantly send out updates whenever there is a need to.

There's an interesting program call Adobe Application Manager, it will determine which software require you to install the updates. Make a habit, try to launch it every few days to check.

Seeing all these apps in my computer now, made me smile. The chances of using the other apps is very low, but if you are interested, you can even go to the program Help portion and look for some tutorial guide.

Or rather, Youtube helps.


Best yet, you can also store your file in the cloud. Especially when you need to go to client place at the very last min; found out you forgotten the laptop on hand. With cloud, you can login on Adobe Cloud site and retrieve the files you stored.

Take a deep breathe, if you understand how dropbox work, this almost a tap on your finger.

It is endless when you keep thinking on the good side. I am very happy that I approached Pic and Pixel Singapore Pte. Ltd. for inquiry before the seminar. Thanks Milan for the explanation.

The promotion for Adobe Creative Cloud is going to end soon. You have few days to get it!


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